On learning about why you have to invoke the add command twice on successive writes to the GIT repository. why add twice??? three stage thinking (why u add everytime) :
working (tree) --- edit ->
staging (i.e. status tells just YOU add/remove to empty shopping cart) ->
history (commit - together)
On the git log and how to create a git alias (i.e. git lol)
provides date, author, 40 char commit id
C:\gittrain>git config --global "log --graph --decorate --oneline --all"
Learned that branching is giving the "commit you are on" a label. You can only be on one branch at a time, and by default, you are on master
C:\gittrain>git branch
* master
create a branch
C:\gittrain>git branch feature
Now on Branch feature
C:\gittrain>git lol
* 5390c82 (HEAD, master, feature) more books info
* 877cb2e Initial commit
Add file to branch staging
C:\gittrain>git add raven.txt.
Commit file
C:\gittrain>git commit -m "add brnch"
[master 82168b5] more barnch
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
switch to branch 'feature'
C:\gittrain>git checkout feature
Switched to branch 'master'
C:\gittrain>git checkout master
merge feature into master
C:\gittrain>git merge feature - m "merged"
delete feature branch (branch is just name for a commit)
C:\gittrain>git branch -d feature
The transcript of the class can be found here.
Saw this link today on Git Hub evolution by Zach Holman . Also, a link on effective-git-branching-and-release-management
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