The CSS file is where we are tasked with finding the tag we must change to make the view look like we want it.
Dr. Patrick Young CSS lecture notes (pdf, 30 pages)
Lean css-positioning - interactive html css site a class with a lot useful material and references
Intro CSS
the 30 css selectors you must memorize/
CSS parody
css attractive website
mozilla css Getting Started
The format of a selector is as follows
Selector {property : value}
Type selector – targets selector by element name, can have comma and wild card *
Contextual Selectors – apply style to properties based on context or relation to another element
Descendant selector: descendants of another element, list separated by space starting with the higher level element, can have commas separating multiple entries, and can be specified several levels deep
Child selector: like a descendant but specified by a specific parent of an element, indicated as child with greater than sign between elements >
Adjacent selector: elements that comes directly after a certain element with same parent, indicated with plus sign
Class and Id selectors - specified in regard to specific elements which are a class or a specific ids specified by user.
- For class you define it in terms of class in regards to a specific type selector with a dot separator.
- To specify class selector to all elements within a class you can leave out the type selector
- id selector target a single element and work like class selector except indicated with a #
- Simple attribute: specified for an attribute for an element, indicated as element[attribute]
- Exact attribute value : specified as element[attribute="myvalue"]
- Partial attribute value: doesnt match whole word but search value within attribute value , specified as element[attribute~="myvalue"]
- hyphen separated value : used for case where you look for value of ‘myvalue’ or starting with ‘myvalue-’ , indicated with |=
Pseudeoclass selector : targets a group of elements such as an anchor. has a colon : after the anchor followed with the attribute kind (i.e. link, or name)
there are others supported other than the anchor tag . i.e. :first-chld, :first-line, :first-letter,:before, :after
How you reference style sheets:
<link rel=style sheet href=file.css type=text/CSS />
@import url();
Document structure and inheritance
- parent child relationships
- sibling relationships
- descendants
- Inheritance : styles passed down to descendants
Overriding styles by nodes higher in hierarchy Can get presentation rules from several sources and conflicts
Passed down until overridden by command with more weight Resolve rules from competing style sheets
When user agent (ie browser) encounters element looks for all style rules that may apply Sorts out this out based on Style sheet origin
Least weight to greatest
1 User agent style sheet
2 reader style sheet
3 authorsyle sheets
4 !Important marked
External file sheets further down document greater precedence
Imported styles sheets override linked ones Embedded styles sheets override external ones Inline styles override other references
Selector More specific the selector the more priority it gets
Least to most priority for selectors follow
Individual element to pseudo element selector
Contextual selectors Class selectors Id selectors rule order Last one wins Display roles
Block level elements – line breaks before and after it and fills in width of the parent that contains it
Inline – no line breaks
Emphasized text
None – Wont display
List-item Run-in
Box model :
4 Background
3 Margin
2 Border
1 Padding
0 Element box around it
padding vs margin
a) padding - outer edge
b) margin - space between items
TRBL (Top Right Bottom Left)
- margin: 2px 1px 3px 4px (top, right, bottom, left)
display inline vs block - display of block means multiple items can NOT be displayed beside it (goes below), whereas inline means multiple items on same line (goes beside it)
Inner edge
Outer edge
Unit measures
Pixel Pts Pc Em Ex In Mm Cm
Color value
% values
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