In I used the CoreLocation and the MapKit. CoreLocation allows the device to figure out the geographical location.
In the view controller, I used the CLLocationManager class which controls the geographical capabilities for the device. Note that I had to add the CoreLocation framework to the project, and add the following to the header file to use it
#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
Moreover, added the CLLocationManagerDelegate to the view controller.
As well, in the view controller i used the MapKit. The MapKit allows you to show a Map on the device. This too required that I had to add the MapKit framework to the project, and add the following to the header file to use it:
#import <MapKit/MapKit.h>
For the MapKit library, I made use of MKMapView class. as well as the MKMapViewDelegate
In the MKMapView class, there is a method didUpdateUserLocation which tells us that the users location was updated. In this method gets invoked within the view controller, I make it zoom in on the map as follows (with a 250x250 meter region):
CLLocationCoordinate2D loc = [userLocation coordinate];MKCoordinateRegion region =
In this example, a location on the map is indicated using MKAnnotation. I created a class that conforms to MKAnnotation.
Note: I also did their QuizApp.